Patient Engagement

What is Patient Engagement?
Patients and their families or caregivers are key members of the healthcare system.
When patients, their families, and other caregivers are actively engaged in their healthcare, they experience better health outcomes.
Patient-Centered Care
One of the primary goals of patient engagement is to achieve patient-centered care. This healthcare model emphasizes the need to respect patient and family preferences, values, cultural traditions, and socioeconomic conditions.
Shared Decision Making
Patient engagement also focuses on providers and patients working together to improve health. By including the patient in the decision-making process, they can implement a treatment plan after discussing the patient’s condition, treatment options, risks and benefits, and patient’s preferences.
Why the Patient Voice Matters
People who get involved and share their experiences can help make healthcare safer and better.
“Patients bring a perspective that a provider would not have without us communicating and contributing. For us, sharing those perspectives, experiences of our family members receiving care, letting them know how we feel, and how we perceive the care they’re giving, only supports providers in making the patient experience better.”
Deneen, PFAC Steering Committee Member
Engage in our Work
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News & Resources
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National Handwashing Awareness Week: December 6-12, 2020
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National Influenza Vaccination Week: December 6-12, 2020
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