Your Healthcare Experience Matters
Patients, their families, and caregivers can influence improvement in healthcare by joining advisory councils and sharing their healthcare experiences.
“For me it was really being a part of something, feeling valued, and getting to know these people and having a sense of what these organizations are really doing.”
Peggy, PFAC Steering Committee Member
Our Regional PFAC Opportunities
By joining our work, you will automatically become a Patient & Family Advisor (PFA) and a member of the IPRO Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC).
Embed the Patient Voice in our Work
Specific opportunities are coming soon.
Learn more about our work and focus areas.
Meet Peers During Quarterly PFAC Meetings
During our virtual PFAC meetings, PFAs share their current project work, seek input from other PFAs, and learn skills to improve their effectiveness as an Advisor.
Examples of Past Patient & Family Advisor (PFA) Contributions
Sharing Your Story
Deneen Williams is a PFA because she knows firsthand what it’s like to be a patient needing critical care. She shares her experience to ensure providers hear what it feels like to be a patient.
“I really believe my contribution is in telling my story. Especially in the last round of work for the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services around readmissions into the hospital and infection control. I really did feel something, especially in how I was treated when I was in the hospital initially. I want to help providers really understand how the patient feels.”

Bringing the Patient Voice to Events
David Andrews, PFA, presented at the “Collaborative Approach to Reducing Readmissions” event, hosted by Healthcentric Advisors and the Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Errors.
Mr. Andrews noted that “it’s important to have patients, who are the ones after all who are being treated. Being a part of the discussion in a meaningful way will help the whole thing get better, because it needs it.”
Developing Patient Education Materials
Joe Caruso, a longstanding member of IPRO’s PFAC, was instrumental in the development of several educational materials designed to promote the critical importance of early detection and treatment of sepsis.

Interested in learning more? Meet our Steering Committee
Our Steering Committee guides the creation and execution of current PFAC initiatives. They are healthcare professionals, healthcare practitioners, long-time patient advocates, and past PFAC leaders.