Hospital Quality Improvement
Accelerating Hospitals’ Efforts to Reduce all Cause Harm

We recognize hospitals are experiencing unprecedented challenges. We know that you may not have the capacity to engage in structured programming or data analysis.
We invite you to engage with us at your pace.
We are providing targeted, no-cost technical support with:
- Data analytics and benchmarking
- Data dashboards to engage your board, staff, and PFAC in quality improvement
- AHRQ Surveys on Patient Safety CultureTM
- Patient safety learning collaboratives and peer sharing
- Patient and family engagement metric coaching
Eight Core Harm Areas
We will augment your existing patient safety processes to support your hospital’s efforts in reducing all cause harm with a focus on:
- Opioid stewardship and behavioral health
- Adverse drug events
- Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
- Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections (CLABSI)
- Clostridioides difficile, MRSA, & antibiotic stewardship
- Sepsis and septic shock
- Pressure ulcer and injuries
- Readmissions and care transitions
Reducing Data Submission Burden
We are dedicated to reducing your hospital’s data submission burden. We will maximize the use of claims data and NHSN conferred rights.
This ensures resources are utilized for actionable performance improvement in all cause harm reduction.