QI Series for Delaware Nursing Homes
The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and Qlarant, a member of the IPRO QIN-QIO, are…
DE Nursing Home Webinar on June 2: Plan-Do-Study-Act: A Tool for Testing
This session is part of the QI Series for Delaware Nursing Homes, hosted by The Delaware Department…
DE Nursing Home Webinar on May 19: Getting to the Root Cause
This session is part of the QI Series for Delaware Nursing Homes, hosted by The Delaware Department…
DE Nursing Home Webinar on May 5: Planning the Change: SMART Goals, Process, & Outcome Measures
This session is part of the QI Series for Delaware Nursing Homes, hosted by The Delaware Department…
CDC Call: Critical Diabetes Care and Prevention During COVID-19
April 26, 3-4PM EDT Register Please join us for updates on the agency’s COVID-19 response. CDC experts…
The Road to Equity: Examining Structural Racism Virtual Forum
April 27, 1–4:30 PM EDT Register April 28, 1–4:45 PM EDT Register During National Minority Health Month,…
New COVID-19 Vaccine Guidance and Resources for Partners during the Pandemic
Biden-Harris Administration Increases Medicare Payment for Life-Saving COVID-19 Vaccine
New CMS OMH COVID-19 Vaccine Resources for Vulnerable Populations Webpage
CMS Updates Nursing Home Guidance with Revised Visitation Recommendations
Drop in Life Expectancy, Vaccine Access & Devastating Winter Storm
Million Hearts® and CDC COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Disease Partner Toolkit