While the IPRO HQIC no longer exists, its resources remain. Below are a few of its top resources.
Top Resources
HQIC Updates
American Heart Health Month
Raising awareness about heart health and encouraging healthy lifestyles to prevent heart disease.
African American History Month
February is African American History Month, which sheds light on African American culture and health. Heart disease,…
Glaucoma Awareness Month: January 2021
This monthly health observance highlights the importance of educating others on glaucoma. According to the National Eye…
Hi Rhode Islanders, have you had close contact with someone infected with COVID-19?
The Rhode Island Department of Health developed the COVID-19 Close Contact Quarantine Calculator to help you determine…
Medicare’s 5-star Special Enrollment Period
CMS Update | December 16, 2020 – You can use this Special Enrollment Period only once between…