View the latest hospital health equity news, events, and tools to support your efforts in eliminating health care disparities within your health system and communities.

What’s inside?
- HHS Awards $250M to Fight COVID-19 and Improve Health Literacy
- A New Guide on Universal Screening for Health-Related Social Needs
- VacciNATION: Inspiring Stories on the National COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Out
- Identifying and Addressing Social Needs in Primary Care Settings
- Join the Age Friendly Health Systems Action Community
- Telehealth Patient Resource Available in 6 New Languages
- HHS to Enforce Non-Discrimination Provisions of ACA to Reverse Anti-LGBTQIA+ Healthcare Policy
- July is Minority Mental Health Month
- Federal Programs Available to Provide Assistance during COVID
- Health Equity Webinar Materials
- Upcoming IPRO Events and Monthly Observances