National Nursing Home Training Series

Brought to you by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and
the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) Program

Thursdays through July 16, 2020 @ 4-5 p.m. ET
Registration is required for all sessions

The onset of COVID-19 has taken the need for nursing home infection prevention to a level that has never been seen before in U.S. nursing homes. To prevent the transmission of COVID-19, every nursing home professional and support staff member has to stay engaged, vigilant and focused.

This eight-week series outlines the requirements and core competencies needed to perform safely and well in the pandemic environment. You’ll receive actionable information and resources from nursing home quality improvement and infection control experts to help you:

  • Train infection prevention leads using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) infection prevention training program
  • Manage COVID-19 surveillance for early detection/testing
  • Structure cohorting approaches for COVID-19 mitigation
  • Create processes and procedures for use and deployment of personal protective equipment

Visit for event recaps, webinar recordings, slides and resources.

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