Boosters and Beyond: Geriatric Bootcamp: Geriatric Bootcamp Kickoff

Online via Zoom

Topic: Boosters and Beyond: Geriatric Bootcamp: Geriatric Bootcamp Kickoff Description: This session reviews the basic principles of the comprehensive geriatric exam, the intersection of aging, disease, and frailty, and how […]

LINKS: Supporting Communities with Opioids and Pain Management

Online via Zoom

Description: During this session, community-based programs from Ohio, Maryland, and Maine will share their approach to supporting communities with opioids and pain management through harm reduction, prevention, treatment, and recovery programs. Please join us to learn more, share your own promising practices, and problem-solve with peers from across the 11-state and District of Columbia IPRO […]

Nursing Home Sepsis Learning Circle

Online via WebEx

Sepsis impacts individuals across the continuum of care, with 80%-90% of sepsis-related infections occurring in the home and community. Every two minutes, someone dies of sepsis, leading to more than a quarter of a million sepsis deaths each year in patients both young and old. Every 20 seconds a person is hospitalized with sepsis, and one-in-four […]