Pneumonia Learning circle

Online via WebEx

The Pneumonia Learning Circle offers a forum for education and sharing of resources and best practices with a goal for all participants to benefit from the wisdom and experience of […]

Nursing Home Sepsis Learning Circle

Online via WebEx

Sepsis impacts individuals across the continuum of care, with 80%-90% of sepsis-related infections occurring in the home and community. Every two minutes, someone dies of sepsis, leading to more than a […]

QAPI Office Hours

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours: Root Cause Analysis

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours: Root Cause Analysis

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

SNF Skill Squad: After Action Reports/HOTWASH

Online via Zoom

In this session, we will discuss all that is needed to complete an After Action Report (AAR) following an event. Learning Objectives: 1. Explain what AARs are and their importance […]

NHSN Office Hours

Online via Zoom

In this 30 minute bi-monthly chat, we will discuss various topics surrounding NHSN. Topics include official NHSN updates, reminders about upcoming changes, and answers to our most commonly received provider […]

SNF Skill Squad: Documentation of Immunizations Within MDS

Online via Zoom

To realize the maximum benefits of immunizations, a coordinated effort is required to increase vaccination coverage and ensure high-quality data are available to inform clinical and public health interventions. Learn […]