Voices from the Field Series: Integrating Z-Codes into Your Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Strategy

Online via WebEx

Hospitals and health systems are working to address the non-medical factors that influence health, known as social determinants of health (SDOH). Although not yet widely adopted, Z-codes are important to your strategy. In this session, you will hear how a hospital—through a pilot with their EHR vendor—advanced their SDOH strategy while embracing their organizational culture. […]

Nursing Home Sepsis Learning Circle

Online via WebEx

Sepsis impacts individuals across the continuum of care, with 80%-90% of sepsis-related infections occurring in the home and community. Every two minutes, someone dies of sepsis, leading to more than a quarter of a million sepsis deaths each year in patients both young and old. Every 20 seconds a person is hospitalized with sepsis, and one-in-four […]

TAP: A Strategy to Prioritize and Implement HAI Prevention Efforts in Your Hospital

Online via WebEx

Join us for a webinar featuring subject matter experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to learn about a comprehensive strategy to reduce hospital acquired infections (HAI). The Targeted Assessment for Prevention (TAP) Strategy is a CDC-developed framework for quality improvement that uses data to drive interventions that will prevent healthcare-associated infections. […]

Transitions in Care: Preventing Sepsis-Related Readmissions

Online via WebEx

Anyone can develop sepsis, a life-threatening, complex and challenging condition to manage. There are significant human and financial costs associated with it. Every year more than 1.7 million adults in the U.S. develop sepsis, leading to over 270,000 deaths. Roughly 19% of sepsis survivors are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days, leading to $3.1 […]

HQIC Community of Practice Call: Partnering with Patients & Families to Prevent All-Cause Harm

Online via Zoom

Preventing all-cause harm continues to be a national priority. In 2016, an estimated 2.7 million harm events affecting hospital inpatients occurred, leading to more than 80,000 deaths at a cost of nearly $29 billion. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, nearly 44 percent of these events and deaths could have been prevented. […]

Pneumonia Learning circle

Online via WebEx

The Pneumonia Learning Circle offers a forum for education and sharing of resources and best practices with a goal for all participants to benefit from the wisdom and experience of the group. Join other clinicians and subject matter experts in conversations focused on pneumonia stewardship. IPRO QIN-QIO Pneumonia Learning Circle meetings will provide you the […]

Nursing Home Sepsis Learning Circle

Online via WebEx

Sepsis impacts individuals across the continuum of care, with 80%-90% of sepsis-related infections occurring in the home and community. Every two minutes, someone dies of sepsis, leading to more than a quarter of a million sepsis deaths each year in patients both young and old. Every 20 seconds a person is hospitalized with sepsis, and one-in-four […]

QAPI Office Hours

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours: Root Cause Analysis

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!

QAPI Office Hours

Online via Zoom

QAPI Office Hours offer a highly interactive learning experience using Google’s Jamboard, allowing participants to ask questions and share experiences about QI topics. Give it a try!