Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 12 – 1 pm ET
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A fundamental commitment of healthcare is to ensure safety, as embedded in the centuries-old Hippocratic Oath, “First, do no harm.” Over the past two decades, healthcare facilities have implemented various interventions and strategies to improve patient safety, with some successes. However, patient harm still occurs at significant rates, with increases noted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
With the complexity of the healthcare system, it is important that organizations implement a systems-based approach to reduce patient harm. One of the foundational characteristics of a high reliability organization is to incorporate a culture of safety, which can be achieved with leadership support and unit-based efforts (Noor et al, 2022).
In this Lunch and Learn webinar, you will learn about:
- The characteristics of the Culture of Safety.
- Using successful tools to achieve the Culture of Safety.
- How an organization adopted a safety culture in their High Reliability Organization (HRO) journey.
- How leadership can support of the Culture of Safety by using the proposed Patient Safety Structural Measure (AHRQ, 2023).
Noor ,S. , Ismail Z, Yasin M. Safety culture, safety climate, and safety performance in healthcare facilities: a systematic review. Safety Sci. 2022;147:105624.
(PDF) Safety culture, safety climate, and safety performance in healthcare facilities: A systematic review (
Learn more about the proposed Patient Safety Structural Measure here: