Boosters and Beyond: Reducing Readmission Rates

A Six-Week Series for Nursing Homes

Care coordination often presents challenges for nursing home providers. For six weeks, on Tuesdays at 12 pm ET, the IPRO QIN-QIO team will share vital tips and tools to help you tackle your long- and short-stay readmission rates. Live replays will be offered on Wednesdays at 3 pm ET.

Date & TimeTopicRegister or Replay Link
Week 1:
Tuesday, November 21 @ 12 pm
Use This! IPRO’s Transfer Tracking Form
The Transfer Tracking Form was developed to provide nursing home providers with a comprehensive tool to track resident transfers over time and other related transfer information. Join our session to receive the tool and learn how to use it effectively.
Week 1:
Wednesday, November 22 @ 3:30 pm
Replay: Use This! IPRO’s Transfer Tracking Form
Week 2:
Tuesday, November 28 @ 12 pm
Data that Speaks to You: Care Transitions Reports
Did you know that your QIO has a customized report that presents data on your nursing home’s care transitions performance based on Medicare Fee-for-Service claims? This helpful information can guide your quality improvement efforts and reduce readmissions and emergency room visits. Join our session to learn how to read and explore the features of the report, as well as discover ways to use the tool to reduce readmissions and ED visits.
Watch Presentation
Week 2:
Wednesday, November 29 @ 3:30 pm
Replay: Data that Speaks to You: Care Transitions Reports
Week 3:
Tuesday, December 5 @ 12 pm
Empower Your Team with Readmission Interventions
This session features a lightning round of ideas used by other providers to improve ED and readmission rates. Join our session to explore a variety of programs and resources that have been effective in improving rates, consider ways to adopt some of these strategies, and commit to trying one idea.
Week 3:
Wednesday, December 6 @ 3:30 pm ET
Replay: Empower Your Team with Readmission Interventions
Week 4:
Tuesday, December 12 @ 12 pm
Medication Reconciliation During Transitions of Care
Medication discrepancies occur at an alarming rate during transitions as patients navigate the health care system. These errors lead to a host of problems including duplications, omissions, and interactions. Join our session to explore the basic concepts and processes involved in medication reconciliation between health care settings and review the potential outcomes when medication regimens aren’t reviewed during care transitions.
Week 4:
Wednesday, December 13 @ 3:30 pm
Replay: Medication Reconciliation During Transitions of Care
Week 5:
Tuesday, December 19 @ 12 pm
Perspectives from the Field with Dr. Karl Dauphinais
Hear from one of our local experts, who will offer his own unique perspective on ways to improve transitions of care within our community. During this session, Dr. Dauphinais will share ideas on ways to reduce rehospitalization, limit emergency department visits/utilization, and develop effective communication strategies to improve clinical outcomes.
Week 5:
Wednesday, December 20 @ 3:30 pm ET
Replay: Perspectives from the Field with Dr. Karl Dauphinais
Week 6:
Tuesday, December 26 @ 12 pm
Avoiding Readmissions with a Care Plan
Two experienced long term care nurses will share readmission reduction strategies such as admission assessments, care plans, communication, and documentation.
Week 6:
Wednesday, December 27 @ 3:30 pm ET
Replay: Avoiding Readmissions with a Care PlanRegister