Boosters & Beyond: Building QI Resilience

Boosters & Beyond: Building QI Resilience!

Recently, the IPRO Nursing Home Quality Improvement (QI) Team has received an increasing number of requests for QI support and education. Many administrators and Directors of Nursing requesting this topic say the need is driven by high staff turnover as well as the influx of recent nursing school graduates who have been educated about QI but have little real life experience with it. Responding to that need, the IPRO Nursing Home QI team has launched Boosters & Beyond: Building QI Resilience.

The series will run on Tuesdays at Noon ET, with a live replay on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm ET. On Thursdays at 11 am, we will host IP3 Office Hours, offering Infection Prevention by an Infection Preventionist for Infection Preventionists.

Each week, our experts will guide participants through the world of nursing home quality improvement: the process, the tools, exercises to transform your practice, ways to engage your team in QI, and more. As we progress through the program, we will target specific quality measures, flagging landmines and highlighting ways to improve your star rating.

SessionTopicLive Presentation
Tuesdays at 12 noon ET
After Hours Replay
Wednesdays at 3:30 pm ET
IP3: Infection Prevention
Office Hours
1 – Week of July 11Refreshing Your Quality Improvement CultureWatch the Recording

2 – Week of July 18Enhancing Your Compliance AwarenessWatch the Recording

3 – Week of July 25Boosting Your Staffing RatingWatch the Recording

4 – Week of August 1Boosting Quality Measure Rating & QRP
Watch the Recording

5 – Week of August 8Flu & Pneumococcal QMs and Strategies to Improve themWatch the Recording
6 – Week of August 15CASPER & SAR ReportsWatch the Recording
7 – Week of August 22UTIs and Indwelling Catheters: Understanding the Quality Measure and Infection Prevention StrategiesWatch the Recording
8 – Week of August 29Developing a Culture to Reduce AntipsychoticsWatch the Recording
9 – Week of September 6Pressure Ulcers: Understanding the Measure, Interventions and Best PracticesWatch the Recording
10 – Week of September 13Falls: Understanding the Measure, Using the Tracker & Best PracticesWatch the Recording
11 – Week of September 20Readmissions: Understanding the Measure and Improving Your Readmission RateWatch the Recording
12 – Week of September 27Infection Control: How Infection Control Programs Affect Everything in Your BuildingWatch the Recording
13 – Week of October 3Long Term Care: Medication Safety Assessment, Anticoagulants, Antipsychotics, and Diabetes Medications.Watch the Recording