Medication Safety Assessment

Did you know that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Medicare beneficiaries experienced a higher rate of adverse drug events due to anticoagulants than for prescribed opioids?  And that more antipsychotic drugs were prescribed for nursing home residents, particularly on admission, when compared to pre-pandemic? 

Do you wonder if your organization truly has all of the tools and resources you need to safely manage high-risk medications such as anticoagulants, diabetes medications, antipsychotics and antibiotics?  This brief, multiple choice Medication Safety Assessment will help you identify your medication management gaps. IPRO will review the assessment and provide you with evidence-based resources to meet your needs.

What do I get after completing the assessment? After completing the  assessment, you will be able to download your own responses and will receive aggregate benchmarking results by care setting in order to compare your results to others.

Who should complete this assessment? This assessment was developed for any healthcare setting – hospitals, nursing homes, primary care, home healthcare, specialty practices, and pharmacies.  We ask that you identify and forward this assessment to the best person in your organization to complete it. The person who completes this assessment should collaborate with others in your organization to provide the best response, if needed.

For hospitals: Usually, the Director of Pharmacy, a Clinical Pharmacist or the lead of a committee/workgroup that has a focus on high-risk medications and antibiotic stewardship. 

For other facilities: High-risk medication workgroup leads, antibiotic stewardship committee leads, Director of Nursing or Quality.