Thursday, April 30, 10:30-11:00am
We know you’re committed to providing the best care for your residents, a task made even more challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic—which has everyone in a state of alert.
Nursing home staff members are feeling this acutely–worrying about their jobs, families, residents, and what happens if they get sick. The stress may have staff members exhibiting responses similar to those who have experienced traumas from surviving combat, assault, or natural disasters. This is why applying a trauma-informed lens to our health care community is critical, and our experts can help.
Join us for this important session to hear about self-care recommendations going beyond hand-hygiene and personal protective equipment.
You’ll learn:
- Core principles of a resilient, trauma-informed organization
- Practical strategies to support the mind, body, and spirit of your staff
- How staff at other nursing homes are taking care of each other and their residents, families, and caregivers.
About our Speaker

Jennifer McCarthy, EdD, EdM, MS, LCPC – Quality Improvement Specialist, Healthcentric Advisors, a member of the IPRO QIN-QIO
Dr. McCarthy has served as a subject matter expert in Trauma-Informed Care for the National Council for Behavioral Health/SAMHSA.
She holds a Doctor of Education in Health Professions degree, a Master’s degree in Education andCounseling, and she is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor.