The Patient, Family, and Care Partner Advisor (PFCA) Toolkit: Your Voice Matters

Online via WebEx

IPRO NQIIC INVITES YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN A WEBINAR The Patient, Family, and Care Partner Advisor (PFCA) Toolkit: Your Voice Matters Overview: The demand for Patient, Family, and Care Partner Advisors (PFCAs) in healthcare is growing exponentially. We invite you to learn more about our new Patient, Family, and Care Partner Advisor Toolkit. The toolkit […]

Health-Related Social Needs Series Part 3

Online via WebEx

Topic: Health-Related Social Needs Series Part 3 Description: Addressing health-related social needs (or social drivers of health) can improve health outcomes. Health-related social needs include food insecurity, housing instability, transportation needs, utility difficulties, and interpersonal safety. Join IPRO QIN-QIO for the Health-Related Social Needs Series to learn, collaborate, share best practices and lessons learned on […]

IPRO ECHO: When the Pain Won’t Stop Whole Person Care Addressing Chronic Pain Session 2

Chronic pain is a complex issue that is never solely biological. In this series we will explore the biopsychosocial view of pain. This includes three different domains of pain interacting at the same time. Pain is… biological (e.g., tissue damage, inflammation) psychological (e.g., thoughts and emotions affect pain, memories of pain) social/sociological (e.g., socioeconomic, gender, […]