IPRO HQIC Sepsis Affinity Group: Mid-to-large sized Hospitals

Online via WebEx

  Sepsis remains a national priority and is a complex and challenging condition to manage. Despite substantial attention to improvement, an opportunity still exists to decrease sepsis-related morbidity and mortality. More than 1.7 million adults in the U.S develop sepsis every year, leading to over 270,000 deaths (CDC, 2020). Hospitals are committed to improving care, […]

Fall and Injury Prevention: Safe Mobility is Fall Prevention

Online via WebEx

Falls represent a major public health problem around the world and continue to be the most common adverse event in healthcare settings.The IPRO Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC), in collaboration with Dr. Pat Quigley, Nurse Consultant, invites you to participate in a patient safety webinar program beginning May 3, 2023. The Fall and Injury Prevention […]

Opioid Stewardship Affinity Group

Online via WebEx

WHAT IS AN AFFINITY GROUP? Affinity Groups highlight best practices, resources, and successful solutions to challenges. Opioid Stewardship Affinity Group attendees will: Discuss how to initiate/expand a hospital Opioid Stewardship program. Share best practices, resources, and successful solutions to challenges. Pose questions to subject matter experts (SMEs) who have implemented successful programs. Evaluate data and […]

Boosters and Beyond: Geriatric Bootcamp: Geriatric Bootcamp Kickoff

Online via Zoom

Topic: Boosters and Beyond: Geriatric Bootcamp: Geriatric Bootcamp Kickoff Description: This session reviews the basic principles of the comprehensive geriatric exam, the intersection of aging, disease, and frailty, and how […]